1880 to 1919
1880 to 1919 films on dvd-rs
Unreleased 1880 to 1919 movies on dvd-r
Please note:
All our dvd-r titles are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “BERNE ACT”. All media contained on these titles is distributed freely and globally under the terms of the GNU PUBLIC LICENCE and the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE (LGPL). No trademarks, copyright or rules have been violated. All information pertaining to United States copyright regulations can be found at the United States Copyright office a branch of the Library of Congress. No Trademarks or copyrights have been violated by this item. If a title is found to be currently under copyright, it will be immediately removed.
Public domain DVD-Rs are WITHOUT ANY ART WORK, INSERT OR BOX. Public domain DVD-Rs are NOT a commercially released dvd or factory mass produced dvd. dvd-rs will be shipped in soft plastic disc slips in an envelope. Due to the rarity of public domain movies please kindly forgive the imperfection.The picture quality is the best quality that was available to us. In the case of public domain dvd-rs, no claim of digital quality is implied.
rare oop vintage black an white - B&W classic public domain movie on dvd with great actors and
We offer a huge collection of classic, rare, oop movies to classic movie
fans. We specialize in black and white (B&W) vintage classic movies from
1880s, 1890, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. Our silent movie collection is one of the
biggest collection available. We believe that the era of silent cinema was one
of the most imaginative periods in human history. During the silent films era,
a new visual vocabulary was invented by directors such as Georges Méliès, Charles
Chaplin, Raoul Walsh, G.W. Pabst, F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang, Vladislav Starevich,
Robert Wiene, Josef von Sternberg, Per Lindberg, Lois Weber, Erich von Stroheim,
Phillips Smalley, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Leo McCarey, Mauritz Stiller, Kenji
Mizoguchi, Miles Brothers, Buster Keaton, Eddie Cline, Giovanni Pastrone, Mikhail
Kalatozov, Yasujir Ozu, Alfred Hitchcock, Josef von Sternberg, Charles Vanel, Fred
Niblo, Sergei Eisenstein, Leo Mittler, Frank Borzage, Clarence Brown, Anthony
Asquith, Mauritz Stiller, Aleksandr Medvedkin, Maurice Tourneur, Winsor McKay, King
Vidor, Ted Wilde, Victor Sjöstrom, André Antoine, Herbert Ponting, Man Ray, Harold
L. Muller, Charles R. Bowers, Wallace Worsley, Victor Flemming, Fred C.
Newmeyer, Sam Taylor, Oskar Fischinger, Jean Epstein, Alexander
Dovzhenko, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Abel Gance, Dziga Vertov, Yevgeni Bauer, Hanns
Schwarz, Dimitri Kirsanoff, Paul Leni, Louis Lumiere and …. Different genres shaped
as the medium was used for entertainment, politics, education and propaganda.
The challenge of visual storytelling without sound pushed filmmakers to find
new ways to tell stories and communicate ideas. When
we think of silent movie stars we inevitably think of Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, Rudolph
Valentino, Lillian Gish, Clara Bow, Annette Kellerman, Sessue Hayakawa, Maurice
Costello, Helene Costello, Art Acord, Lupe Velez, Theda Bara, William Haines, Florence
Lawrence, and Louise Brooks.
The great legends of Hollywood are remembered for their work and often
sensational personal lives. Thus, most people today know something of the
loves, losses, and scandals of stars like James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. But
what of the great stars of Hollywood’s formative years—the silent film era?
Though most are all but forgotten today, many led lives of fascination and
scandal that could easily match those of their latter-day peers.
We offer a great selection of movies from the greatest film directors,
with suggested or recommended Best Films or 'Must-See' Films from their
filmographies. Directors such as Frank Capra, George Cukor, Michael Curtiz,
Cecil B. DeMille, D. W. Griffith, Georges Méliès, Charles Chaplin, Raoul Walsh,
G.W. Pabst, F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang, Vladislav Starevich, Robert Wiene, Josef
von Sternberg, Per Lindberg, Lois Weber, Erich von Stroheim, Phillips Smalley,
Carl Theodor Dreyer, John Huston, Elia Kazan, Buster Keaton, Ernst Lubitsch,
Vincente Minnelli, F.W. Murnau, Roman Polanski, Powell and Pressburger, Otto
Preminger, Douglas Sirk, George Stevens, Preston Sturges, William Wyler and…
Many of these film-makers were highly innovative mavericks and
renegades who challenged the established 'system' that existed during their
time. As you may agree, the director is the most significant person responsible
for creating 'movie magic' and mixing together all the ingredients of the
film-making process. These directors have made a noteworthy, permanent and powerful
contribution to the development of film and the film industry. Each one has
directed a steady body of work with a number of ground breaking movies.
The artistic greatness of films can never be rated, although critics,
reviewers, and fans still make ten best lists, hundred best lists, all-time
greatest lists, favorites lists, awards lists, and generate results of polls.
Hollywood Pre-code. We offer a huge collection of classic, rare, oop movies to
classic movie fans. We specialize in black and white (B&W) vintage classic
movies from 1880s, 1890, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and
1970s. Our silent movie collection is
one of thebiggest collection available. We believe that the era of silent
cinema was oneof the most imaginative periods in human history. During the
silent films era,a new visual vocabulary was invented by directors such as
Georges Méliès, Charles Chaplin, Raoul Walsh, G.W. Pabst, F.W. Murnau, Fritz
Lang, Vladislav Starevich,Robert Wiene, Josef von Sternberg, Per Lindberg, Lois
Weber, Erich Stroheim, Phillips Smalley, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Leo McCarey,
Mauritz Stiller,Kenji Mizoguchi, Miles Brothers, Buster Keaton, Eddie Cline,
Giovanni Pastrone,Mikhail Kalatozov, Yasujir Ozu, Alfred Hitchcock, Josef von
Sternberg, CharlesVanel, Fred Niblo, Sergei Eisenstein, Leo Mittler, Frank
Borzage, Clarence Brown, Anthony Asquith, Mauritz Stiller, Aleksandr Medvedkin,
Maurice Tourneur,Winsor McKay, King Vidor, Ted Wilde, Victor Sjöstrom, André
Antoine, HerbertPonting, Man Ray, Harold L. Muller, Charles R. Bowers, Wallace
Worsley, VictorFlemming, Fred C. Newmeyer, Sam Taylor, Oskar Fischinger, Jean
Epstein, Alexander Dovzhenko, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Abel Gance,Dziga Vertov,
Yevgeni Bauer, Hanns Schwarz, Dimitri Kirsanoff, Paul Leni, Louis Lumiere and
genres shaped as the medium was used forentertainment, politics, education and
challenge of visual storytelling without sound pushed filmmakers to find new
ways to tell stories and communicate ideas. When we think of silent movie stars
we inevitably think of Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, Rudolph Valentino,Lillian Gish,
Clara Bow, Annette Kellerman, Sessue Hayakawa, Maurice Costello,Helene
Costello, Art Acord, Lupe Velez, Theda Bara, William Haines, Florence Lawrence,
and Louise Brooks. The great legends of
Hollywood are remembered for their work and often sensational personal lives.
Thus, most people today know something of theloves, losses, and scandals of
stars like James Dean and Marilyn Monroe. But what of the great stars of
Hollywood’s formative years—the silent film era?Though most are all but
forgotten today, many led lives of fascination and scandal that could easily
match those of their latter-day peers. We offer a great selection of movies
from the greatest film directors,with suggested or recommended Best Films or
'Must-See' Films from their filmographies. Directors such as Frank Capra,
George Cukor, Michael Curtiz,Cecil B. DeMille, D. W. Griffith, Georges Méliès,
Charles Chaplin, Raoul Walsh,G.W. Pabst, F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang, Vladislav
Starevich, Robert Wiene, Josefvon Sternberg, Per Lindberg, Lois Weber, Erich
von Stroheim, Phillips Smalley,Carl Theodor Dreyer, John Huston, Elia Kazan,
Buster Keaton, Ernst Lubitsch,Vincente Minnelli, F.W. Murnau, Roman Polanski,
Powell and Pressburger, OttoPreminger, Douglas Sirk, George Stevens, Preston
Sturges, William Wyler and…Many of these film-makers were highly innovative
mavericks and renegades who challenged the established 'system' that existed
during their time. As you may agree, the director is the most significant
person responsible for creating 'movie magic' and mixing together all the
ingredients of the film-making process. These directors have made a noteworthy,
permanent and powerful contribution to the development of film and the film
industry. Each one has directed a steady body of work with a number of ground
breaking movies.The artistic greatness of films can never be rated, although
critics,reviewers, and fans still make ten best lists, hundred best lists,
all-time greatest lists, favorites lists, awards lists, and generate results of
rare oop
vintage B&W classic public domain movies on dvd
Griffith-Melies-Stroheim- Eisenstein-Gish-Lubitsch-Chaney-Swanson-silent MOVIE-
dvd- Walsh
For Better, for Worse 1919 silent /English sub/ no sound Gloria Swanson
For Better, for Worse 1919 silent /English sub/ no sound Gloria Swanson/ public domain title..
Love's Prisoner 1919 silent / no sound / English sub / Olive Thomas Joe King John Francis Dillon
Love's Prisoner 1919 silent / public domain title/ ..
Love's Prisoner 1919 silent / no sound / English sub / Olive Thomas, Joe King John Francis Dillon
Love's Prisoner 1919 silent / no sound / English sub / Olive Thomas, Joe King John Francis Dil..
Where Are My Children? 1916 Tyrone Power Sr Marie Walcamp Phillips Smalley
Where Are My Children? 1916Tyrone Power Sr Marie Walcamp Phillips SmalleyWe are offering FOR SA..
00 collection / choose any digital movies from this collection for $5.00 All movies in this section are also available in digital format [mp4]. If you want to save the shipping fees just ask for a digital copy
00 collection / choose any movie [digital movies] for $5.00Iron Man 1931 Jean Harl..
0000 movies for $5 each -send your list to us 01082020 All movies are also available in digital format [mp4]. If you want to save the shipping fees just ask for a digital copy of your favorite title and get it immediately via email.
-send your list tocyruskane@gmail.comAll movies are also available in digital format [mp4]. If..
000movie collection 30072020 / choose any for $5.00 each / send us an email with your list All movies are also available in digital format [mp4].
All movies are also available in digital format [mp4]. If you want to save the shipping fees j..
000movie collection 30072020 / choose any for $5.00 each / send us an email with your list All movies are also available in digital format [mp4].
(105) Alias John Preston (1955) Christopher Lee, Betta st John ! - . (111) Long Night 1947 - . (11..
000movie collection 30072020 / choose any for $5.00 each / send us an email with your list All movies are also available in digital format [mp4]. If you want to save the shipping fees just ask
(105) Alias John Preston (1955) Christopher Lee, Betta st John ! - . (111) ..
0collection 2 CHOOSE ANY MOVIE FROM THIS LIST FOR $5.00/ea All movies are also available in digital format [mp4]. If you want to save the shipping fees just ask
0collection 20collection 2 CHOOSE ANY MOVIE FROM THIS LIST FOR $5.00/eaKing of the Jungle (1933)The ..
1880 TO 1919 COLLECTION All movies are also available in digital format [mp4]. If you want to save the shipping fees just ask for a digital copy of your favorite title and get it immediately via email.
1880 TO 1919 COLLECTIONyou choose 10 movies from our 1880 TO 1919 COLLECTION for $35.00 188..
1880 TO 1919 COLLECTION 50 movies on a USB FLASH MEMORY All movies are also available in digital format [mp4]. If you want to save the shipping fees just ask for a digital copy of your favorite title and get it immediately via email.
1880 TO 1919 COLLECTION on a USB FLASH MEMORYyou choose 50 movies from our 1880 TO 1919 C..
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 1916 Director Stuart Paton Allen Holubar in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916) / 20000 Leagues Under the Sea
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea1916Allen Holubar in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1916)A French profess..
A Bid for Fortune (1917) Director: Sidney Morgan Writer: Guy Boothby (novel) Stars: A. Harding Steerman, Violet Graham, Sydney Vautier
A Bid for Fortune (1917)Crime | April 1917 (UK)An occult scientist tries to steal a collector's Chin..
A Florida Enchantment (1914) dvd r Director: Sidney Drew All movies in this section are also available in digital format [mp4]
A Florida Enchantment (1914) A young woman discovers a seed that can make women act like men an..